Register for FIRST LEGO League Explore (FLLE)
DK-3rd Grade
Season runs January - March.
Look for info in November 2024!!
Register for FLL Challenge (FLLC)
4th-5th Grade
2024 Registration Form
Oxford Robotics provides an exciting opportunity for all of our students to become involved and explore the world of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math through the use of Lego elements and programmable robots.
Elementary students can participate in these robotics programs:
FIRST Lego League Explore for DK-3rd graders
FIRST Lego League Challenge for 4th and 5th graders
Our robotics programs continue with teams at the middle and high school levels.
FIRST Lego League Challenge (FLLC)
- FLL Teams use LEGO Technics to customize a robot using sensors and motors to complete missions on a playing field.
- Students will share their project and compete with their robot against other teams at local Qualifying Events
- Oxford FLL teams meet twice a week from August thru December
FIRST Lego League Explore (FLLE)
- Students build a LEGO model that incorporates a programmable robot with motor and sensors
- Teams create a poster to showcase the development of their team and ideas
- Oxford FLL Jr teams meet once a week January thru March, and share their work at a local spring Expo
Also, see these links for general information about
FIRST in Michigan
For more information please contact:
[email protected]